Friday, 27 September 11:00 12:00 (CEST)

COLOR EFFECT. Colors and contrasts in the stone project


The use of stone as cladding and decorative element has roots that go back to ancient times. The ancients possessed a deep understanding of the relationship between form, decoration, color, and light, passing down this knowledge over the centuries. In the contemporary era, characterized by digital design and industrial production, the expressiveness of stone cladding has transformed, favoring a chromatic uniformity that seems to imitate artificial materials. Monochromatism and neutral colors now characterize stone projects. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate the relationship between digital production and the color of contemporary stone surfaces, exploring new connections between the laws governing chromatic perception, space, and the materiality of stone cladding in architecture.

Event languages: English

How to participate: Public Free Event

Education credits: No


Speaker - Katia Gasparini
Katia Gasparini