MARMOintelligente: solutions in support of efficiency, servitization, sustainability, and process and product innovation
Even the marble industry, like every manufacturing sector, is affected by profound innovative forces introduced by the new potentialities related to the use and management of process data, in an unprecedented digital ecosystem where specific solutions of IoT Interconnection and Integration, Connectivity, Machine Learning, Predictive and Prescriptive Maintenance, Energy Monitoring, Augmented Reality, ChatGPT, and Artificial Intelligence applied to production converge. The seminar organized by CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE in collaboration with MAXFONE, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC and SIEMENS will delve into these topics through a comprehensive panel of interventions, from which it will emerge how the use of already available technologies can enhance what can be defined as the "natural intelligence of stone," framed within the broader context of the energy transition and sustainability of the supply chain, which cannot be separated from the dialogue between Manufacturers and Users of Machinery and Equipment for the transformation of natural stones.
Event languages: Italiano, English
How to participate: Public Free Event
Education credits: No