New forms of Design / Between research explorations and production needs
Today, in Italy, the profound and widespread culture of design offers itself as an intangible infrastructure for Made in Italy, as demonstrated by the close link between the most qualified designers and the industrial production chains. However, there is still a lot to do, especially in spreading the culture of quality design, trying to expand its penetration into new production sectors, in addition to existing ones: an indispensable expansion to make the national production system more solid and competitive. It is precisely from the advanced evolution of the production system that new experiments on stone design and new methods of processing stone, marble, granite and composite materials are born. For some years now, the development and technological innovation of numerical control machines have increasingly involved stone materials in industrial production. This is an innovative dimension, all linked to the nature of a material which, in itself, does not lend itself well to the standardization of production processes. A renewed partnership between the experimentation of design research and the new forms of company production is based on these aspects; a complementarity and an interaction that is strongly sought after, desired and, at least in part, implemented. A new form of renaissance is measured directly with the individual needs of end customers, responding to their need for diversification and customization. It is a path that radically changes the industrial paradigm and helps to define, in the network society, the same concept of authorship that previously linked the designer to the product in one direction. The most interesting aspect of these new forms of production can bring the humanistic spirit back into play through the advanced technologies of the third industrial revolution. A model to nurture and promote, both in Italy and abroad, starting precisely from the continuous collaboration between research explorations and production needs.
Event languages: Italiano
How to participate: Public Free Event
Education credits: No

Domenico Potenza

Vincenzo Pavan

Raffaello Galiotto

Massimo Russo